But we had to come back home to routine and daily life sometime. So here we are. The girls had fun this week learning about nerve impulses in science. Here they are learning about hot and cold receptors by putting their hands in hot and cold water then into room temperature water. It was a pretty neat experiment.
In art we are learning about horizon lines, vanishing points, perspective and such. They are enjoying the techniques in that and were talking about how it will help them when they are just drawing for fun.
In history, we have been continuing with our ancient Rome studies. This week we have covered the murders of Brutus and Caissus, how Marc Antony and Octavian took control of the Roman Empire, and how Antony and Cleopatra met and fell in love and wanted to take over both the Roman Empire and all of Egypt. It's a violent time, but very interesting. The girls love learning about Cleopatra.
We also talked about the frescos and mosaics that the people of Rome had in their homes. We each made a mosaic stepping stone to decorate our backyard. I love how they turned out!

Left to right, we have Jeff (J+A=6), Kaylin (sea turtle), Annlee (swirly design), Maryella (flower), Elianna (dolphin), Amy Lee (sea horse)

I think my favorite time of the day has become my mornings with Elianna doing kindergarten. We are having a ball and loving all the fun projects that go along with the unit! We did the sun unit this week and it was amazing! Here's a sampling of her work from the week...
Writing S in shaving cream
Making her weekly badge (she wore it as a necklace to church that night!)
Learning about patterns with a game I made plus with painting:
Making a sundial:
Playing with her shadow, which was made by the sun.
Making sun cooked s'mores, sun tea, and sun pickles:
In Bible time, we talked about how Jesus is the light of the world. She made this to illustrate how when Jesus shines on us, we can understand how to make good choices and know what to do. But when we let other things get in the way (sins), then it blocks us from seeing what Jesus wants us to do. The black constructions paper faded (got cleaner) when it was left in the sun. But the areas that had objects on them (sins) were left dark.
She also saw the difference light makes by being blindfolded. When we don't have Jesus in our heart, it's like we are walking in darkness. But once he comes in, he brings in light to show us what to do and it becomes to so much easier to find our way.
Eating fun snacks:
Doing math, always made more fun with a kitten helping! (calendar math with My Father's World and working with tens and units in Math U See)
Next week is the moon and I'm already getting excited about some fun projects for that unit!