Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Curriculum Thoughts

I was so overwhelmed at first when I began to look at all the curriculum that is out there for homeschooling. In my head, I thought there would be a handfull of choices and I could easily eliminate a number of them. After asking friends about their choices, though, I quickly discovered that there are as many curriculum choices as there are families who are homeschooling! I spent hours on trying to find things that might work for us. Early on, I found Math U See and was very impressed with their stuff. It seemed like a good fit for all of our girls - we've got one who seems to struggle with many of the math concepts and another who appears to be catching on really quickly. Looking at the sample videos online, my jaw dropped several times as he explained things in such an easy to grasp way! I'm looking forward to learning along with my girls, lol!
English was a little trickier. Someone had recommended Rod and Staff and I did like what I saw with them. I ordered some samples, liked it even more, and decided to go ahead and place an order with them for 3rd and 5th grade English, Reading, and Spelling as well as 1st grade Reading and Phonics. Once it arrived and I began to look through it, I wasn't sold on the Reading for 3rd and 5th. I wanted to include all of the classic literature I grew up learning and loving. While this curriculum looked great (it uses Bible stories and passages to teach reading skills), it wasn't what I was looking for. The English, on the other hand, looked really good. So with no problems whatsoever, we were able to send back the reading and spelling portions for 3rd and 5th grade. I kept the 1st grade and shall see how it goes. Someone loaned me the 1st grade Shurley English and if things don't go well, we may start that later in the year.
So I felt I had my basics down but nothing yet for social studies and science. I loved what I saw with Apologia and was pretty set on doing that one for science. But then one day I came across a blog that mentioned a curriculum called My Father's World. It has Bible, History, Science, some Vocabulary, some Reading. I fell in love with what I saw! I went back to my trusty review site and read rave review after rave review! They have curriculum for all grades but the one I was looking at was for 2nd/3rd/4th - 8th grades. It's a 5 year cycle that starts with a year of world geography, then Creation to Greeks, Road to Reformation, Explorers - 1850, 1850 - modern day. I ordered it within the week, I think! We will be doing the first year - it's called Exploring Countries and Cultures. I have had so much fun getting everything organized for that! I've decided to let my 1st grader sit in when she wants.
So, here is our curriculum list as it stands right now. (We are going to a convention in May, so we may tweak a few things after that)
Kaylin - 5th grade
English - Rod and Staff, Grade 5
Math - Math U See, Delta
Geography, Science, Bible, Reading - My Father's World, ECC
Spelling - Spelling Workout E
Writing - Writing Strands 3
Vocabulary - some from MFW, some from reading selections
Logic - Mind Benders A3

Annlee - 3rd grade
English - Rod and Staff, Grade 3
Math - Math U See, Gamma
Geography, Science, Bible, Reading - My Father's World, ECC
Spelling - Spelling Workout C
Writing - Writing Strands
Vocabulary - some from MFW, some from reading selections
Logic - Mind Benders A3

Maryella - 1st grade
Reading, Phonics, Spelling - Rod and Staff, Grade 1
Math - Math U See, Alpha
Geography, Science, Bible, Reading - MFW, ECC
Logic - Mind Benders Beginnings
Writing - Prompt, Plan, Write, Grade 1

I can not wait to get started! It's only March and we won't start for at least 4 or 5 months, but I've already got our first 2 weeks ready to go!

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