Monday, October 1, 2012

Week 6 - Mexico, Deserts, and a Beach Trip!

I am amazed at how fast our weeks are flying by! I can't believe we are finished with our study of Mexico now. We had a great week and the girls seemed to really enjoy all the activities we did. We start every morning with Jeff leading the girls in their Bible time. Monday morning, since we've been learning about Mexico, Central America, and the Caribbean islands, we learned about Haiti. Jeff was able to show the girls some of the things he brought back from his trip there.
Kaylin and Annlee work together everyday to correct a somewhat silly sentence. They actually like correcting these sentences every day. I put an easier one on the board for Maryella and she loves it too! Here she is correcting her sentence, but you can see the sentence for the big girls on top.
Here is the book that I get the silly sentences from. I know I could make them up myself, but the book didn't cost much at all and it's nice to just have them here already to be able to copy.
Annlee still likes doing a lot of her work in her room. That just seems to work well for her for whatever reason. It's fun learning so much more about my girls than I ever knew before!
Maryella seems to do best at her desk or mine for now. She gets a little distracted if I let her work in her room.
Here is Maryella taking her Math test for the week. They are all loving this math curriculum we have from Math-U-See.
It was a big week for us in our MFW ECC studies. Mexico was lots of fun! It's sad to say goodbye to that country. We made tissue paper flowers to decorate the dining room.
We made our own pinata and painted it (SO MUCH FUN!)
In science, we learned about transpiration. That's how the water escapes from the leaves of a plant. We saw that in action by putting grass into a ziploc and leaving it in a sunny window. Within an hour or two, we could see the moisture on the inside of the bag - pretty cool!
The girls drew coyotes and wrote a few facts about them. (We were still talking about deserts and desert animals)
They completed their lapbooks of Mexico.
Here is the inside of Maryella's. It's still awaiting a photo of our pinata busting party!
Speaking of busting the pinata - that was one of the highlights of our week! The girls had an absolute ball doing that!
We let Jeff have the last swing because it was his birthday. That pinata never knew what hit it, lol!
After we busted the pinata, we ate dinner at a Mexican restaurant to celebrate Mexico and Jeff's birthday.
We worked hard again this week to get everything done in just three days so we could go to the beach Thursday - Saturday with Jeff's family. We had such a wonderful time, it was great to get away! It was the perfect break we needed!
Of course, life is all about learning, so we did get some "school" in while we were there. Art - Drawing in the sand
Science - Touring the Seacoast Bird Sanctuary
P.E. - Hopscotch on the beach
Kaylin even got a chance to read the story she wrote to her cousin!

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