Monday, March 11, 2013

India, Weeks 24 & 25

We spent last week as our "Spring Cleaning Spring Break" in preparation for Elianna's 4th birthday party and lots of family coming down to visit for the special weekend.

But before that week of crazy cleaning, we spent 2 weeks in India enjoying the sights and tastes, learning about some of the history, facts, and famous people of the country. The girls enjoyed several crafts and fun projects during our studies. Here are the highlights of our "trip" in pictures...

In India, brothers make bracelets for their sisters to show that they will love and protect them. The girls each made a bracelet for one of their sisters. They were so sweet trying to pick out the perfect beads they thought their sister would like.

For the festival of Diwali, Indians make Rangoli. They use dyed rice powder to make these beautiful designs on their homes to welcome visitors. We used colored sand to make ours. What a fun project!

We tried out how it would be wear a sari. (I'm not sure the Indians would approve of our use of a Hannah Montana bed sheet, lol. But it worked for us)

We made bangle bracelets to represent all the jewelry Indian women wear. The girls decided that they would love to live in India and wear tons of jewelry all the time!

We made Indian "smoothies" one day from a recipe we found in a book about India. These are called Mango Lassi. The girls have begged for them so many times since then! Annlee is due for some oral surgery soon and has requested this drink for her breakfast the day after her surgery. It was pretty delicious!

We made trinket boxes out of clay. This was lots of fun for the girls! They LOVE crafty things so I try to do as many as possible. I was so pleased with how these turned out! They worked hard and were very proud!

Mmm... Indian food!

Here are our lapbooks. They turned out a little bigger than usual this time. We just had lots of information to include about India!

In science, we learned about volcanoes. The girls had a great time watching how mountains and volcanoes are formed through two fun experiments.
First, we cut a small hole in the bottom of an empty yogurt container and inserted a new tube of toothpaste in the hole. We filled it partially with dirt and then squeezed. They watched the toothpaste slowly push it's way up through the dirt in much the same way that hot lava pushes it's way up through the surface of the Earth. So simple, yet they loved it!

And of course, we couldn't talk about volcanoes without erupting one of our own!

We found a fun spelling website called Spelling City that the girls have been loving! I can type in their spelling words and they can play games with them and even take their test online! They think it's so cool to take their test on the computer! And the website is free - HUGE plus!

Maryella is still doing her regular All About Reading and Spelling programs. We've found a few tricks to help her "want" to do it a little more. It's certainly no fun when it's a fight to get her to read! One thing she enjoys is to read in a fun place. We've had days where we read on the front porch, in the other living room, and the latest is on my bed all snuggled up together. She also has figured out that she'd rather write on the white board than on paper for her spelling work. Fine by me! Anything that makes learning fun is SO worth it!

Another fun thing I'm doing with her... she gets to add a bead to her string everytime she finishes reading a book! Anything to encourage reading, right!? She's loving doing this and NEVER lets me forget to let her add that bead!

We also enjoyed celebrating President's Day a few weeks ago with this fun project. I love how they turned out! And obviously the girls had a good time!

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