Monday, July 29, 2013

First Day of School 2013!

I can't believe our first day is behind us already! The girls were all excited to get started (mostly) and the day went really well. Here are my sweet girls, fresh and ready to begin a new year! It's hard to believe how quickly time is flying!

Here are pictures of the girls working throughout the day. Elianna will be with us for these first few weeks before her preschool starts. She does a little work in the morning and then naps in the afternoon during our history and science studies. Here she is practicing her cutting skills.

Maryella copies her spelling words

Kaylin and Annlee work on All About Spelling together.

Annlee begins her Spanish studies. She did AMAZINGLY well!

We ate lunch, got Elianna settled down for a much needed nap and then began to dig into the My Father's World, Creation to Greeks curriculum. One of the things that will tie our next 4 years together is a huge timeline on our wall. The girls each have their own timeline books that they can color themselves. They were so excited to get those today! We started by coloring a rectangle that has the Hebrew words "In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth". Here they are beginning their timeline books while listening the Haydn's "Creation" on You Tube. They got a little silly during this, haha.

And here are a couple pictures from our big wall timeline.
Beginning of our wall timeline...

End of our wall timeline...

We also began a 4 year art curriculum today. Our first art lesson was about frustration. Even the best artists got frustrated with their work. But we learned about Joni Eareckson Tada (google her if you don't know who she is... amazing!) and felt what it would be like to draw like her. The point was to understand that when we feel frustrated with our art to remember that if Joni could learn how to draw with her teeth, we can learn to draw with our hands. And also, art is a learned skill. It takes practice!

And our big surprise for the day... Jeff got us the What's In the Bible with Buck Denver dvds! He found an AWESOME sale and we were able to watch the first half of the first dvd today. These will be a perfect addition to our year!

All in all, our day went smoothly and we had fun. I am really looking forward to our year and I think the girls are too. I'm so excited about the things we will be learning. Stay tuned for more of our adventure through history!

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