Welcome to Our Blog!

We are a family of 6 in our third year of homeschooling. The purpose of this blog is to document our journey in this exciting, fun, and at times, scary new adventure with our 4 sweet girls. Our prayer is that we will be clay in the hands of our Creator God, allowing him to mold our family into what He wills for us. It's sure to be an incredible experience that draws us closer to one another and closer to God!

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Stay Tuned!

Yay! It seems like I can finally post again! I had gotten a new computer and was having trouble getting everything moved over and then figuring out the new Windows 8 operating system. But I seem to be back up and running now so stay tuned for a lot of posts and pictures coming up! I got pretty far behind but hope to catch up by the weekend!