Friday, August 24, 2012

Lessons From Week 1

One week down! Overall, it was a wonderful experience! The girls all said they loved it. We had lots of fun, did crafts, and even enjoyed English and Math! Our favorite subject by far has been geography! We all agree on that! My Father's World is amazing! There are several things I learned this week, though... 1. I love Elianna so much, but I'm really glad that she'll be starting preschool next week. 2. I need to find plenty of things for 2 of the girls to be doing together while I'm working with the third. 3. Maryella never stops moving. (I knew this already, but it was just reinforced this week! Whew! That child is part monkey, I'm almost positive!) 4. The helping verbs are... am, is, are, was, were, be , been, being, have, has, had, may, might, must, do, does, did, can, could, shall, should, will, would. I'm sure I learned that list at some point, but our English curriculum had a clever way to remember it. I don't think Kaylin or I will ever forget those now! 5. Laundry is even harder to get done now. 6. Homeschool kids still get sick. (About to head to the doctor as we speak with Annlee) 7. These girls really catch on fast! (Annlee with English and Maryella with Math - wow! It's amazing watching light bulbs go on! And Kaylin is loving math! Did I really just type that?!?!) 8. A week passes by really fast! 9. I CAN do this! (As long I remember to take lots of deep breaths!) 10. I LOVE my girls!!! Some pictures of the highlights of our week... Discovering our backyard habitat
Making an earthworm niche
Learning about the world by making an apple pie (Read How To Make An Apple Pie and See The World by Marjorie Priceman) It wasn't much to look at but it was mighty tasty!
John 3:16 Posters
Our Geography vocabulary cards for the word continent (Kaylin drew South America, Annlee drew Antarctica, Maryella colored North and South America after I drew them)

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