Friday, August 31, 2012

Week 2!

It's been another great week (overall) at Clay Academy! I say "overall" because the week started out pretty rough. It didn't take long on Monday morning to realize that no one was really feeling like doing school. Annlee had been to the doctor on Friday with a sinus infection and two ear infections. The doctor looked in the ears of everyone else at that time and all were fine. By Monday, though, it was apparent that they weren't still fine. Elianna had her Meet The Teacher day for 3 year old preschool and then we headed down to the pediatrician again. Kaylin had pink eye (and later in the week developed an ear infection), Maryella had an ear infection, and Elianna had an ear infection and bronchitis with wheezing. We got antibiotics all around plus medicine for Elianna to have breathing treatments. Elianna missed her first day of preschool the next day, which made us pretty sad. But she did very well with her breathing treatments in the meantime.
School rolled right along and the antibiotics seemed to perk everyone up. By Wednesday, Elianna was able to start school and she was so excited!
Her teachers are all SO sweet! We love them dearly and are so excited that they get to have one more of our babies in their class!
The rest of the week, we learned some tricky things in science by looking at some fun posters about photosynthesis, the oxygen cycle, and the water cycle. Much better than the boring book!
We also did a search for leaves in our backyard and did rubbings of bark to discover what kind of trees are in our yard.
We continued to learn about maps and the world in geography (garage-aphy, as Elianna likes to call it). Here we made a paper doll chain of children from around the world to decorate our world map.
We learned about how small we are compared to how big the world is by starting with our house and getting bigger and bigger (city, state, country, continent, planet). But God loves ALL of us!
We made vocabulary cards for "ocean".
We ended our week with a fun treat - making cupcakes look like the world! That activity was a hit!

1 comment:

  1. You are an amazing mama and a wonderful teacher. The girls are blessed to be experiencing this adventure together with you! I love you!
