Saturday, September 8, 2012

Our Classroom

I've been wanting to show off our school room for a while now but wanted to wait until we were into our school year just a bit. Things are rolling right along now, though, so here it is... without further ado... our Clay Academy Classroom!
Our library/reading nook/music room The books are organized by reading levels on the shelves and it's all labeled so they can go get a book that they will be able to read well. The little red box is our book basket. These are books that go along with the country and ecosystem that we are talking about. Right now, it's full of United States and forest books. The girls love looking through these! Jeff made the yellow bookshelf by the window to hold all the National Geographic magazines that my dad passed along to us. Those are awesome to have since we can usually find pictures of anything we are talking about in there! On top of that bookshelf is a keyboard, some recorders, and our CD player. We've played some CD to go along with our studies, but we haven't gotten to the recorders or keyboard yet. They just play with those right now in their free time. On top of the other bookshelf are two file boxes. One holds books, crafts, and other things for our upcoming countries we will be learning about. The other box holds materials that we will use in the next 4 years for the history curriculum we are using.
This sofa is where we have our Bible time together in the mornings. We also use that map on the wall to mark where the missionaries we are reading about are from.
This is Kaylin's desk that Jeff made.
Annlee's desk that Jeff made.
Our supply dresser - holds all our craft stuff, extra paper and pencils and such, games, flashcards, puzzles, etc. On top is a file box with some file folder games I've made. Maryella's leap frog books are up there, as well as some drawers with more supplies (mostly my stuff - stapler, tape, permanent markers, etc). There's also a globe game up there that I got for $5 at a consignment shop and some play money that we will be using soon. Also - I love our clock on the wall! That was a pinterest idea!
Here is Maryella's area.
This is Elianna's little spot. She can sit at her little desk or on the floor and pull out one of those boxes on the shelf and play with whatever is in it. Most days, she's at preschool, but she does enjoy checking it all out when she's home. The entertainment center holds the tv and dvd player, some homeschooling books, future curriculum I may use, some cds, the printer, etc. Not much going on there.
My desk... it's hard not to let this become a catch all area. I've got my laminator, curriculum that we use when they are with me, etc. My scrapbook stuff is all in the tall dresser desk, but sadly, I haven't pulled any of that out in a very long time. I keep meaning too! The tackle box on the floor behind my chair holds our Math U See blocks. Those clip boards on the wall are to hold recent art projects. To be honest, I'm not loving that spot. We'll see if those stay, lol.
The dining room is where we do our geography and science together.
Here are the whole room views. So far, it seems to be working out really well for us. I think the girls like having their own little spaces to work. I like having us all together where I can see everyone. This room has become my favorite spot in the house and I love going in there at nights to work on stuff. It just feels good in here!

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