Saturday, September 15, 2012

Week 4 - United States and Forests continued...

It was another fun week in the USA! The girls learned so much and had a great time. Here are some of the highlights of our week. Every morning, Kaylin and Annlee begin by doing their Progeny Press study together.
On Friday, they got to celebrate finishing their 4 week study with an art project. They were supposed to paint a picture that showed perspective. Maryella also got to participate (because she begged when saw paint!) and I decided to try it as well.
I think they did a pretty good job! Top row is Maryella's and mine, bottom row is Kaylin's and Annlee's
While they are doing that, Maryella and I work on her reading and phonics.
We also spend our morning doing all kinds of other things... They practice typing skills
Read books from our book basket
Work on Math
Sometimes working "on the go"! Here they are schooling while Elianna takes dance class.
Spelling tests on Fridays
After lunch, we do geography and science. This week, we attempted to color a map of the US only using 4 colors and not letting any of those colors touch. It was a tough task! Kaylin got it though! And after working on various activities like this for 2 weeks, Kaylin can label 31 states, Annlee can label 26, and Maryella can label 6!
We also do a lot of crafts with our geography which makes it really fun. Here we were working on a quilt project at our own little "quilting bee" - just like the early Americans.
Final product
Here are our vocabulary cards for this week - butte. Maryella did hers all by herself this week! Kaylin's is the one that looks like the sunset. Annlee's is on the bottom.
When Elianna comes home, she sometimes asks to do school. I've been letting her do some fun projects with the letters she's already working on at preschool.
These past two weeks, we've been working on lapbooks for the United States. These were our first ones ever and we had lots of fun with them! Here is the inside of them
Another view of the inside
Forest and animal booklets
I think the favorite thing was making little forest animal booklets. The girls drew all these animals and had a ball with that! The ones above are some of Kaylin's as are these.
Here are Annlee's
And Maryella's. I think she got a little tired with her last few, lol.
Here Maryella is working on decorating the outside. She did that Statue of Liberty completely by herself! Wow!
They were all so proud of them! (I know Maryella doesn't look it here, that's a different story altogether, haha)
This picture makes me smile. Elianna was so interested to see the lapbooks. Annlee read everything to her and it just made me melt!
To celebrate completing our 2 weeks in the United States, we ate lunch at Steak and Shake. We wanted to do barbeque, but we got vetoed. I guess you can't get much more American than hamburgers and milk shakes!
Stay tuned to see where our "travels" will take us next week! I'm pretty sure at least part of our adventures will include some new curriculum... More on that later, but here's what I will be in the middle of all weekend!

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